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Books To Read To Level Up Your Mindset in 2022

Happy Monday It-Girls, I know it's cliché but I honestly can't believe it's Christmas this week! A new year is less than two weeks away and I am officially in level up mode. If you read my last blog post about re-invention (click here to read), you'll know that nothing changes if your mindset stays the same. You can set all these amazing goals and visualise your dream life all day, every day but if you don't work on expanding your mind, you'll soon fall back into old patterns. I'll be honest, I've been feeling super insecure about my life and achievements lately; feeling the pressure of 'not doing enough' or levelling up fast enough in my career, finances, lifestyle etc. If you've ever felt like this you'll know how easy it is to spiral and feel paralysed by the thought of possible failure when chasing your dreams. It has taken a mini-meltdown and a very raw and honest pep talk from my partner but I've decided that 2022 is the year I finally face the things that scare me. If this is one of your goals for the new year then this blog post is for you!

Maybe this is your first time trying to take charge of your life or perhaps you've started previous years off with the same high hopes only to fall short of your own expectations. Either way we all eventually come to the realisation that willpower alone is not enough. Motivation is a myth, our egos are persistent and we are ultimately creatures of comfort, slipping effortlessly into old habits whenever the chance arises. One tool that I think is absolutely essential for this journey is reading. Aside from watching videos on Youtube, it was reading that truly kickstarted my self-development journey and I cannot stress enough how much my outlook on life has changed from this one activity alone. So for today's post, I really want to share some of the books that have helped me in the past as well as some books I'm reading to help me navigate 2022 fearlessly.


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YOU ARE A BADASS by Jen Sincero - Great for 'level up' beginners

I discovered this book shortly after graduating at a time when I was feeling incredibly pessimistic about my life and prospects. I hadn't landed my 'dream grad job' like most of my peers and was starting to doubt if the life I envisioned for myself was even possible. This book was honestly the kickstart I needed to start challenging the way I think and helped me to reveal the patterns of thought that had been shaping my reality.

YOU ARE A BADASS AT MAKING MONEY by Jen Sincero - Great for mastering your money mindset

Another fantastic book by Jen Sincero, this book is focused specifically on challenging your money mindset. In this edition, Sincero helps us explore and understand the belief systems we've developed around money that are essentially holding us back from attracting financial freedom. It also contains really impactful exercises; challenging us to set financial goals and restructure our beliefs in order to begin attracting abundance.

Click here to discover the complete You Are A Badass Series!


ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear - Great for creating more effective habits

I've absolutely raved about this book on my Instagram and I honestly cannot get over how much of a game-changer it is! The whole concept centres around how making small daily changes to your habits can have an exponential impact on your life. With such simple yet effective tips and tricks, this is one of those books that you'll really want to start implementing straight away. While I've yet to finish it (I'm implementing as I go), the changes I've made so far have made a noticeable difference in my ability to stay consistent with my goals across all aspects of my life.

THE UNTETHERED SOUL by Michael Singer - Great for expanding your consciousness

Where do I begin with this book? I saw it recommended by Sam Ozkural in one of her videos and when I say this book changed my life, it is no exaggeration. Coming from a religious background I had never quite been able to grasp concepts of spirituality and how they connected to what I'd been taught as a child. This book opened my mind to a whole new way of seeing myself, my consciousness and my spirituality. I used to read it while working dead end shifts in a job I hated and it truly helped me to rise above the doubts I was feeling about my future and my place in the world.


THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz - Great for developing your mindset

I read this book during lockdown last year and it was utterly captivating and so profound; the perfect antidote to everything that was happening in the world. In this book, Ruiz explores our connection to each other and challenges the beliefs we are taught from birth that shape our collective reality. The Four Agreements provide us with four core principles to live by:

1. Be impeccable with your word,

2. Don't take anything personally

3. Don't make assumptions

4. Always do your best

While some books can feel overwhelming and difficult to apply in everyday life, these four principles are so simple yet impactful that you can literally take them with you anywhere and apply them to your situation.

So those are some of the books that have had the biggest impact in transforming my mindset for the better. I'd love to know what's on your reading list for 2022? Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest for daily inspo and be sure to subscribe so you never miss a post!

Hey, I'm glad you're here!

For however long you stick around, I hope you feel inspired to start your own self discovery journey and to become your very own muse.

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